Project description:
Project with the main goal to help logistics companies
automate essential working processes, collect valuable
data and save costly time while effectively reducing the
entire shipping.
Main functionality implemented:
- Loads search with a bunch of sorting and filtering
- Different 3rd party integrations
- Sign Up / Login functionalities
- Develop new features for the App
- Unit and manual testing.
- Dispatch dasboard
- Book a load feature
- Assign a load to a driver feature
- Load details page with full route view via heremaps
- Different user types support
- Real-time update feature
- Send email via app feature
- Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
- Request a help from the manager feature
- Work with grids and optimizing their loading speed
- Frontend API integrations
- Errors handling throughout the app
- Sorting features optimization
I was responsible for:
- fix bugs;
- frontend functionality;
- working with map;
- API integration to frontend;
Tools and technologies: TML, CSS, JSON, XML, YML, CSV, GIT, Angular;
3rd party APIs: Firebase, HereAPI

Робота додана: 23.01.24
