Service is intended for rental, purchase, and service of
bicycles and motorcycles.
Main functionality:
- 5 roles and 5 admin panels in the system:
System Administrator (SA). Main options are:
create/edit Portals, product categories, new
system, and portal administrators, view orders
and contracts.
Portal Administrator (PA). Main options are:
create/edit Companies, create/edit Suppliers,
change profiles and create users who are
relevant to this portal, view services/inspections
and also view and cancel contracts.
Company Administrator (CA). Main options are:
view offers/orders/contracts/services/
inspections, create Employees & Suppliers, reject
offers, add or remove Suppliers to the company,
view information about Employees or other CAs.
Employee. Main options are: create/accept/
reject offers, calculate leasing for a bicycle,
request an inspection or service for a bicycle.
Customer (Supplier). Main options are: create
offers for Employees, confirm when the bike is
delivered, conduct Services / Inspections of
- ability to implement Service/Inspection;
- ability to download documents;
- saved download files;
- “Home page” with the ability for each of roles to
edit it;
- delivery methods;
- bug fixing;
Tools and technologies: PHP 7.x, Laravel, MySQL, Rest API, Blade Templates,
Eloquent ORM, Mailhog, GIT, Nginx, Virtual Box,
Docker; TypeScript, Angular 7+, SCSS, HTML5,
Bootstrap, Angular CLI, Angular Material;

Робота додана: 23.01.24
