Project description:
After that we receive reports from different stores but
not the payments against those reports they take time
to disburse the payments we added due date column
while making stores by the admin. Also, we classify
stores into two parts Indian and international which will
later help us in calculating the TDS value.
We want the users should get their reports and
payment should accrue only when the due date of that
particular store has lapsed.
Admin shall be able to download the payments payable
to users every month along with TDS payable as
deducted from users if applicable
Users are of two types intermediary and end-user.
Users have two types of nationality Indian or
International accordingly TDS calculation shall be done
also we have added a monthly expenses column. Which
is spent on a monthly basis admin shall upload it to get
an idea about the actual profit he has made during the
particular month. Also, the user should be able to
analyze his reports by applying filters like period
selection user selection, label selection store selection,
etc, and also able to download the reports of each store
differently on monthly basis.
I was responsible for:
- desing and build API;
- backend desing and functionality;
- import data from csv and export to excel;
- refactoring and optmization;
- bug fix;
- desing and build DB;
Tools and technologies: PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS, MySQL, React, Laravel 9

Робота додана: 23.01.24
