Core skills:
✔️ PHP (Yii2, Laravel, Phalcon, Symfony, CodeIgniter, Kohana, Slim, CakePHP and other PHP frameworks)
✔️ Python (Jango, Flask, AIOHTTP, CherryPy, Web2Py and other Python frameworks)
✔️ JavaScript (JQuery, Backbone, Angular, React, Vue, Ember, Polymer and other JS frameworks and libraries)
✔️ NodeJS (Nuxt.js, VuePress, Express.js, Koa.js, Socket.io, Nest,js, Total.js etc.)
✔️ MySQL(MariaDB), PostgreSQL, MongoDB
✔️ HTML/CSS (Tailwind, Bootstrap, Bulma, Foundation, Semantic UI, Pure CSS)
✔️ Using frameworks for PHP, Python, JavaScript, NodeJS — creation of new scripts/applications; change and refinement of existing ones;
✔️ Installing, configuring and managing servers

CMS (Installation, creating a website from scratch, addition and change of design/functionality):
✔️ Wordpress
✔️ Drupal
✔️ Joomla
✔️ PhpBB

E-Commerce (Installation, creating a website from scratch, addition and change of design/functionality):
✔️ OpenCart
✔️ Prestashop
✔️ Shopify
✔️ WooCommerce

✔️ Git
✔️ Npm, Yarn
✔️ Composer, PEAR
✔️ Pip
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