WEB-SKILLS: ES6 / CSS 3 / SASS /JavaScript / Redux Toolkit / RTK Query / React / Redux / Redux Thunk /
REST / Webpack / Node.js / Express / PostgressSQL / Sequalize / Bootstrap / Material Ui /
Material Design, Responsive Design / Mobile First / Git / GitHub / Gulp
LANGUAGES: English(intermediate), Ukraine(native), Poland(beginer).
- Development of Website and Web Application Front-end Architecture and Styling
- Material Design, Responsive Design
- Experience in developing CRM systems, store, SPA
- Interaction with the PostgreSQL database
- Experienced in React JS and working with React Flux architecture
- Experience in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, plus Redux,
Animations and Flux concept
- Good Experience in React.js for creating interactive UI's using One-way data flow, Virtual
- Experience in CSS programming/friendly with LESS/SASS
- Extensive knowledge in developing single — page applications (SPAs)
- Familiar with Adobe Photoshop and Figma