
I have confident skills in mathematics (mathematical analysis, logic, statistics, discrete math, differential equations,numerical analysis, probability theory), have confident skills of working with Matlab; also have skills of programming on C, C++(native and maneged) and C# (mostly engineer programs, image processing and videotreking, different API and GUI, data access technologies, frontend and backend developing, system and functional programming, concurrent computing, multithreading), have some knowledge of Java, PHP, SQL/PSM, PL/SQL and Transact-SQL, used to work a lot with cms.exe and Windows PowerShell. I also have knowledge of some software lifecycle processes standards (ISO 12207, ГОСТ 34, Oracle CDM) and QMS (ISO 9000, ГОСТ 28195-89). Schemes and drawings used to perform with BPwin and Microsoft Visio. I consider myself to be hardworking, reliable and confident person.

I am speaking fluent Ukrainian and Russian, have upper-intermediate level of English and pre-intermediate level of German.

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