On Laravel, I made projects of the «Blogger site» type (content: text, images) with my own hands, easily, using ready-made web templates, with admin management system. At Laravel, he participated in team development, supported existing solutions (mainly the backend part), integrated third-party services. Resolved tasks assigned by the PM, negotiated conflicts in pull requests with the team. Made proposals for code optimization. Experience with Laravel for 1 year, I can do for websites: authentication (regular, OAuth2, SPA), validation, pagination, web interface (using Bootstrap, JS, JQuery, AJAX, AXIOS [also tables, modal windows]), deploy, modify DB (due to migrations). REST APIs are secured by tokens. Used the query builder for requests to the database. Worked with queues. I have experience with laravel, most of the documentation, good experience with Sanctum. I code according to SOLID. I place the JS code in the appropriate directories, I use Vite, npm to work with it. Deployed the project to the LAMP server.Good knowledge of PHP, OOP, SOLID. There is experience in using and applying OOP, SOLID. I have got the ability to understand someone else's code.Used: PHP7+, JavaScript, JQuery, MySQL, Git, Redis, Docker, PHPUnit. I want to become a full-stack developer.

In Laravel I've mastered:
injection, queue-job-chain-batch, REST API, schedulers, commands,
policies, validation, models and assignation (like one-many, many-many),
migrations, events, listeners, middlewares, Contextual binding,
json-resources, blade, routes, collections, cache (and with redis
driver), query builder, logging, exceptions, Sanctum, Breeze.

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