Sports at home
1 Playing sports at home has many benefits. Doing at home, you will not only save time that people spend on the way to the gym, but also money for a subscription to the fitness club. If you want to be in good shape, then take a few essential steps and start a course of home training. You will definitely see more than a positive result.Plan your activities. It will be easier for you to stick to the set goal. Ideally, if the schedule is as stable as possible. So, you are serious about your studies.
2 Choose a convenient time for the dispute and suitable place in the house where you can comfortably play sports. Make sure there is nothing in the way.
Don't let yourself be lazy just because you are at home.Make sure that no one or nothing distracts you. Try to go about your business when no one is home and so that you do not have to think about other activities, such as laundry or cooking.
You probably don't want to compete with family members. And children tend to ride their parents doing push-ups or squats.
If you are having thoughts about the need to do household chores, you will probably think that this is a good reason to give up your workouts or just end early.
3 Choose a rhythm and song to practice.
Rhythmic music will help you get in the mood for sports and promote an adrenaline rush.
Preparing for your home workout as thoroughly as for going to the gym will keep you motivated and sure to have a full workout. Plus, you will feel guilty if you dress for sports but sit and look for excuses not to exercise.
4 Drink plenty of water.
Always keep a bottle of water close to you during your workout, even if you are at home. You don't have to rely on being able to drink a glass of water as soon as you feel thirsty, because you may lack discipline.
In the meantime, staying hydrated while exercising is extremely important. It is necessary to replenish the fluid lost during training, only in this way you save your energy.
It is best to drink water between exercises. For example, if you are doing two sets of twenty squats, then drink water after the first set and after the second.
5 Balance your diet.
It is very important to stick to a healthy diet while exercising. Snack on something healthy 45 minutes before your workout to keep you energized and stamina.
Healthy snacks should contain protein and carbohydrates. An example would be a slice of toast spread with peanut butter.
Remember, this is a way to eat. This is not a complete meal! If you want to exercise after a hearty meal, then at least two hours must pass from the moment you eat, so that the food has time to be relatively digested.
6 Consider if you need stretching. Some are of the opinion that stretching before you start training is a great way to stretch your muscles and prevent injury. there is also the opposite opinion that stretching does not guarantee protection from injury.
If you feel that you are flexible and flexed enough to start exercising and without unnecessary preliminary warm-ups, then transcend without stretching.
But if it seems to you that your body is "stiff" and the muscles are not flexible enough, then you should think about stretching to warm them up.

Работа добавлена: 18.08.21
