
I firmly believe that copywriting is not just about a flawless and pleasant-to-read copy. First and foremost, it is the copy that CONVERTS AND SELLS.

  1. SellerSkills - CopyWriter
  2. PRONKO - Copywriter
  3. Fordogtrainers - Copywriter

I was a manager of the team of copywriters in the company selling dog supplies and designed a content strategy for an IT startup. These are some examples of my expertise.

  1. PRONKO - Content Manager
  2. Herm Sprenger - Website Optimization

Since 63% of prospects are more likely to buy from you when they have read a useful piece of content on your website, you want to build a strong connection with your visitors (to turn them into buyers). Here are some samples of articles written by me.

  1. SellerSkills - Blog Articles
  2. Article - 11 Vital Things to Keep in Mind When Launching a Business
Тексты на иностранных языках

I have an Instagram blog on copywriting. I'm more than pleased to broadcast my experience and expertise in this field.

  1. My blog - Instagram
