More than 10 years experience in software development. Worked in various application (ASP.NET, MVC.NET, SPA)
- Experienced in all phases of system development process including requirements definition, architecture design.
- Experience of working in small and large teams;
- Experience in software and support documentation;
- Agile methodology;
- TDD development approach;
- English –(upper-intermediate)
Programming Languages,tools, frameworks:C#, Angular 2+, ASP.NET,MVC,Docker, SQL,
CSS, JavaScript, Swift
Issue trackers and version controls: Jira(Bitbucket, Confluence),Git, Rally,TeamCity.
Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics
(Computer systems and engineering department)
Current project summary:
Scalable application based on microservice
architecture which includes account management, sales, questionare, order
items, payments.( Responsibilities:Application
is used by users who belong to unions (dacha departments) in Denmark and who
want to sell, book an allotment.Assessment — main application which
allows users fill data about theirs property, system calculates price for it
and generates document. Document should be approved or rejected by responsible
person. All fields are customizable in admin module.Questionare configuration -administrators are able to configure
questionare page. Lay out fields on form and customizable theirs behaviour such
a calculation, mandatory, validation, display message.Import application — get data via
web api and transfer them to our storage.
Technologies:Server — .Net, .Net Core 2.0, WebApiClient — Angular 2+, Typescript, Bootstrap, WebPack, Yarn
Issue trackers, continuous integration, source control: Jira, Git, Bitbucket,TeamCity,Docker.
Primary Responsibilities:
• Develop client and server side for separated microservices;
• Deploy services on staging and production;
• Bug fixing.