Как во время войны помочь тревожным людям? / How do you help anxious people in times of war?
Russia continues its full-scale offensive against Ukraine. Now more than ever, it is important to support each other, not to believe fake news and not to succumb to any provocation. However, in the midst of war, not everyone can cope with growing anxiety. Let's learn how to support such people.
Don't try to avoid the conversation. Tell them you care.
❌ Oh, this is all nonsense. Nothing is going to happen.
You should say, "I see you're worried. How can I support you?"
Don't disappear. Remind the person that you are there for them.
❌Oh, what are you worried about. When it starts, we'll think about it, there's no time now.
You should say this: "Yes, now the situation is difficult. But I'm with you."
Don't devalue the feeling of anxiety and don't be ashamed of it. Try to distract the person, listen to him.
❌ You're a smart person. Why are you worried.
You should say, "Do you want to talk?"
Don't be silent about your emotions. Talk about how you feel.
❌Talk about something else.
You should say things like, "You know, I'm really anxious and scared. It's not a pleasant feeling. And we shouldn't panic."