Traffic Project
60000 6 місяців

The project on the distribution of traffic incoming requests by a given setting and algorithms in the admin panel. Configure ElasticSearch clusters to store data. Configure MySql database to store configs and domains of parsed data. Configure infrastructure in AWS. Minimization of costs for AWS services. Set up batch parsers for uploading and data in ElasticSearch and domain activity in the Administrator panel.

Проект по распределению трафика входящих запросов по заданным настройкам и алгоритмам в админ панели.
Настройка elasticsearch кластеров для сохранения данных.
Настройка batch парсеров для выгрузки и обновления данных в elasticsearch и активности доменов в панели Администратора.

Stack of technologies:
- PHP/pthreads
- MySql / PostgresSQL
- ElasticSearch + Kibana (visualization of traffic data)
- Docker (AWS ECR to deploy parser)
- node.js (Helped with AWS Lambda configuration, projecting of api structure)
- Laravel (admin panel)
- Nginx (admin panel)
- Linux (Configured AWS EC2 instance for admin panel and AMI images for parsers)
- Amazon Web Services (EC2, Batch, ECR, VPC, RDS, CloudWatch, Cloudflare, ElasticSearch, CloudFront, S3)
- Readmine
- eBay API

Робота додана: 15.07.19, змінена: 15.08.19
