Bepanthen® Plus Content project «Scarman»

The challenge
We found and confirmed a hypothesis, that “Tattoos” audience segment (people, who are interested in tattoos) is an additional brand’s audience.
The analysis gave us an opportunity to obtain data about high interest to brand’s product (Bepanthen® Plus) from people, who are making tattoos. Based on this inputs we need to develop a unique method to interact with audience, that is new to brand.

The solution
We created unique content project – “Scarman”, which helped people with noticeable scars on their bodies to get rid of complexes and cover tragic memories’ traces by beautiful tattoos. The participants wanted not only beautiful picture on the place of scar, but forgot unpleasant memories, left them behind and move forward.

The results
Bepanthen® Plus achieved third place on the market: sales scope growth in period of campaign activity was +25% in comparison with 2017 and +9% in comparison with similar period in 2018.

Робота додана: 07.06.22
