" Hello!
My name is Ria!
As you can see, I was in a strange and cozy place today.
In the morning I got up, drank my coffee as usual and went to look for inspiration for my work. The search lasted a long time and now in the evening I am walking through the narrow streets filled with people, my laptop, my faithful and only friend, at my side. People are walking back and forth, some are running, some are talking on the phone, waiters are walking between tables, and even the people sitting at these tables are in a hurry. It seems as if everyone lives in an accelerated rhythm of life.
And now I will tell you why the place I was in today seemed strange to me. Walking past this hurrying crowd of people, I began to pick up my pace myself, as if this rhythm wanted to pick me up and carry me along. When this almost happened, I heard the sound of a kettle boiling and cursing that it was not being taken off. There was no end to my surprise. My legs stopped, my head turned, and I saw a simple, old bench with an old man standing behind it and a kettle boiling next to it. This old man had a wrinkle in his face, and his smile could illuminate the whole world. Behind the counter, a man was sitting and slowly eating something that smelled very good. Time seemed to slow down. It was a strange island of peace, light, and goodness.
Of course, this is where I decided to work today. And I did not regret it.
Tea, my grandfather's amazing stories and conversations with a regular customer filled me with inspiration. And such an amazing illustration with an amazing story was born. "

Illustrating a book about Ria изображение 1

Робота додана: 31.05.23
