Test applications: web, web/native mobile (iOS, Android), embedded, desktop
— front-end, back-end, API testing
— Web-based app testing: client-server architecture, HTTP/HTTPS, request methods, Json, XML, status codes, session, cookies, REST API
— Web and other test Tools: Dev Tools, web plugins, Figma, Docker, Miro, Azure DevOps
— Back-end testing: Swagger, Postman, Fiddler
— DB and tools: mySQL
— Api testing
— iOS: XCode, Simulators
— Android: Android Studio, Emulators
— CI/CD: Jenkins, Bamboo
— Linux: basic Linux command line commands
— VCS: Git, GitHub
— Logs: Android Studio, Console (Xcode)
— SDLС: Scrum, Waterfall, leading the Demo, communication with customers
— Project Tools: Confluence, Jira, TestRail, Miro, Figma, Azure DevOps
— Test approach: requirements testing, test design technics, test documentation, bugs processing
— Automation: Selenium Webdriver, Java (bacic level)
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