
Name: Roman Balyk

Birthday: 03.08.1992 in Lviv

Mobile number: 0638484310

Email: [email protected]

Skype: romanbalykleon

Family status: Married

Technical Skills

Programming Languages: Angular, HTML5/CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Responsive Design and Web mobile view in general;

CMS: WordPress;

Tools & Technologies: Brackets, PhpStorm, Eclipse, Adobe Photoshop, Gulp, Bower, Babel, WebPack;

Frameworks & Libraries: Bootstrap, Slick, Angular.js, gsap.js, d3.js;

Personal Data

Languages: English – Intermediate, Ukrainian –native, Russian – fluent, Italian – speaking;

I am a competent Front-End Developer with 4 years of practical coding experience, particularly in HTML5/CSS3(LESS, SCSS) Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular, React, Ember, Redux.

I am skilled in responsive and mobile layout development as well as performance optimization, and I have a clear understanding of cross-browser issues.

I interested in growing up as Front-End professional and using, improving my skills, find some new perience in other technologies .

I regard myself as a trustworthy, loyal and dedicated individual and take great pride in my work by paying particular attention to detail.
I am very approachable, easy to work with and I always have good relations within a team.
I am always ready to share similar interests with a team, and improve my technical skills in JS development.
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