Персональний тренер
2500 грн. 2 дня

/start: Initializes the bot and provides a welcome message.
/changemeditationt: Allows the user to change their preferred meditation time.
/changereadingt: Enables the user to modify their preferred reading time.
/changeexerciset: Allows the user to update their preferred exercise time.
/changewalkingt: Sets a reminder for the user's preferred walking time.
/changesleepingt: Enables the user to change their preferred sleeping time.
/changewakingupt: Allows the user to modify their preferred wake-up time.
/supplement-categories: Lists the available supplement categories.
/supplements-recommendations: Sends supplement recommendations to the user.
/recommendationsforexercise: Manually sends exercise recommendations to the user.
/recommendationsformentalhealth: Manually sends recommendations for mental health to the user.
/recommendationsforsleeping: Sends recommendations for improving sleep quality to the user.
/customgoal: Allows the user to create a custom goal.
/gen: Generates a workout plan for a particular muscle group.
/supplementsplan: Helps the user create a custom supplement intake plan.
/weektrainingplan: Assists the user in creating a weekly training plan.
/motivateme: Sends a random motivational quote to the user.
/upload-quote: Enables the user to upload a motivational quote.
/upload-challenge: Allows the user to upload a challenge.
/requesttouploadquote: Sends a request to the user to upload a challenge.
/addadmin: Adds an admin user.
/report: Allows users to report issues to the admins.
/customchallenge: Helps users create custom challenges.
/aboutme: Provides information about the author of the bot.
/addsubsonnews: Adds a subscription to morning news.
/mealprepare: Assists users in creating a custom meal preparation plan.
/mymealplans: Displays the user's meal plans.
/custommotivation: Allows users to create custom motivation messages.
/diets: Provides information on different diet plans.

Персональний тренер изображение 1

Персональний тренер изображение 2

Персональний тренер изображение 3

Персональний тренер изображение 4

Персональний тренер изображение 5

Робота додана: 13.06.23
