- running daily meetings, one-to-one meetings, planning works for the DevOps;
- monitoring the performance of DevOps tasks (Jira, Trello);
- clarification of the tasks and their priorities with the customer;
- correcting and creating new processes such as daily meetings, the process of setting, obtaining, and solving tasks;
- forming processes for reporting to DevOps engineers about their work;
- allocation of resources to projects;
- running 3-4 projects at a time;
- preparing job requirements for the hiring of managers for the company;
- сonducted interviews for project managers;

Stack of technologies: Docker, AWS, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Terraform, Ansible, Helm, GitLab CI/CD.

- Building management processes in the company;
- Organized the structure of morning meetings and evening reports;
- Hired other managers for client projects;
- Created a program with company executives to raise the level of engineers and support new members of the company

Робота додана: 11.04.22
