
Nataliya Kalinina

Middle SEO specialist


Kharkiv, Ukraine

Cell: +380995502362 Skype: live:.cid.6c27eb78cf377858

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/наталия-калинина-605330218

Email: [email protected]

SUMMARY:Middle SEO Specialist seeks an opportunity to promote websites by optimizing it in Search Engines. 1 year projects experience in technical SEO and link building.

SKILLS SEO: Website optimization in Google, Yandex, Bing. Building a Site Promotion Strategies

1. Technical SEO:

  • Internal audits;

  • Working with different CMS (Wordpress, Shopify, Opencart, Magenta, Joomla etc.);

  • Working with different SEO web analytics services: Screaming Frog SEO Spider, Ahrefs, MOZBar, Serpstat, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, GTM, Yandex Webmaster, Bing Webmaster Tool, All Positions etc;

  • Working with several projects at the same time.

  • Keyword research, building of keyword library;

  • Writing relevant metadata.


  • Competitive analysis;

  • Writing of technical tasks for different texts;

  • Texts publications including cleaning text from garbage and selection of images

  • Making and moving on link juice schema.

3.Link Building

  • Competitive analysis;

  • Backlink profile analysis;

  • Link building strategies;

  • Working with link exchanges;

  • Getting the crowd links;

  • Technical tasks for outreach texts.

4. Marketing

  • Site usability analysis;

  • Competitive usability analysis;

  • Writing recommendations for site usability.

EXPERIENCE:08/2020 – 12/2021 SeoF1rst

Work with different projects ( various topics of sites). Site optimization by building strategies and moving them on. Big experience in removing technical SEO issues.Setting tasks and working with developers. Working with backlink profiles and usability of websites, Link Building and link juice schemas etc. Have a positive experience of site promotion.

Until 2020 I didn’t work in SEO but I had a huge experience as a sales manager.

EDUCATION:V. N. KarazinKharkiv National University Biophysics

2010 – 2012 incomplete higher education

LANGUAGES:English — Intermediate (Speak Up courses certificate), then working with a coach.

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