When thinking about tea parties, do you find yourself overwhelmed with thoughts of the British gentry, scenes from Alice in Wonderland, Victorian decor, blue-haired ladies, and pinky fingers stuck up in the air? If so, you're both right and wrong. You're right because as the tradition of "afternoon" tea has developed over time, it has become an elegant affair. You're wrong because "high" tea was often enjoyed by the British working class as their evening supper, with heartier fare than the tea sandwiches and scones that are now associated with tea parties.

As the custom has evolved, teatime is usually scheduled from mid to late afternoon. It's a between-meal snack that is a lot more elegant than a bag of chips from the vending machine. It needn't be extremely fussy, although the meal often includes savory, bite-sized sandwiches, scones or biscuits, and sweets (accompanied by a good pot of tea, of course!). Both men and women enjoy afternoon tea in Ukraine, and it's often used as a function for entertaining business clients.

The Teatime изображение 1

The Teatime изображение 2

The Teatime изображение 3

Робота додана: 29.07.18, змінена: 28.11.22
