Teaching and learning informatization at the universities of physical culture

We have analyzed the prospects of applying modern information tools for teaching and knowledge
control at the universities of physical culture, identified research and development tools used to create
information-based learning environments, as well as a wide range of computer training programs. This paper
substantiates theoretical principles of learning based on computer training technologies.
We have designed a computer training program for the Sports & Physical Education Databases Course
that allowa teaching based on the information technology. This program was designed in Pascal and
implemented in Delphi 7.0; it contains the Training and Control modules.
The survey has showed a highly positive assessment of the designed software: 10 points, according to
the 12-point grading scale (40%). This research has revealed both positive and negative aspects of the software.
We have upgraded the program. Thus, it can be further implemented and used in the learning process.
The computer teaching and control programs experimentally introduced into the learning process of
physical culture universities proved to be effective both during laboratory classes held under the supervision of a
teacher and during online training. The growth rate of student knowledge has reached 7.6% under computerbased learning versus traditional teaching methods.

Робота додана: 29.08.23
