Why You Need a Portfolio Website and How to Create it?

Why You Need a Portfolio Website and How to Create it?

What is a portfolio website? How to create it? Are there any services to do it for free? Do I even need a portfolio? Let’s dive into these questions together and find out why nowadays it is so important to present yourself via a personal page. We will tell you all about portfolio websites and how to create them free of charge.

But what is a portfolio website?

It is a place where one can present their best works and personal information, and eventually get hired by other people. It is the best way to show not only your professional skills, but also your personality, uniqueness, and experience. For hiring managers, it is the first place to look at. In your website portfolio, you can demonstrate the skills and qualities that are hidden from eyes when using Behance or Dribbble. You can demonstrate a “real self” — and increase the chances to sell your work at the same time.
Release the beast inside you and show what you have got!


Have you ever experienced being interested in someone, but not finding enough information about them? That maybe you want to know someone better to be friends with them or to hire them, but just cannot get enough? Customers experience the same! Having your own website means you are progressive and you are present. Creating a web design portfolio is an absolute must for developers, designers, photographers, and many others. These professions find their work online, so they should design their personal pages online as well. It is best when your portfolio does not rely on standard patterns but shows your uniqueness and individuality. A hiring manager will always notice someone with a perfect portfolio webpage.

What is a portfolio website and why you need it?

But do freelancers and other workers really need it nowadays?
The answer is yes, and here is why:
1. It is easier to find your work.
Everyone agrees that if you put work into the project, it sells and operates better. So, creating your own website worth making, since another person sees what you are doing. And if it is visible, it is easier to find.

2. It is more prestigious.
By creating a personal website, you are not only showing your design preferences, but you are also presenting up-to-date content and sharing your aesthetics. By creating it, you share your feelings and ideas with the world. Your website portfolio evolves together with you.

3. Your clients (present and future) can find you faster.
This one is very important for freelancers. Finding your page faster means more views, which means more potential clients, which means more final customers. By showing your individuality, you make a special connection with a person who discovered your page. The chance that you get a good project is higher.

4. You can have your best works right in one place.
A personal website is a showcase of your best works! It can be in various formats such as slides and videos, but the main principle is the same – to highlight your abilities and most outstanding projects.

How to make your web portfolio?

Now that you understand that a web portfolio is crucial for your career, we can talk about making it perfect.

With Weblium, you can choose from a variety of templates to create a unique style of your website. The website builder allows you to add specific blocks and create sections. The interface is easy to navigate and understand. By adding essential information, you can give your client perception about the company, main goals, ideas, and services that you are proposing.

Visualizing is also a fun and representative way to show your product. In the platform, it is easy to add pictures that you like and to show your work in the best light. You can also simply describe the size, advantages, and purpose of your product. To boost your portfolio, you can include a blog, case studies and projects that you are currently working on. The main idea of a website should be to catch viewers' attention and to send the message of what is being presented on a personal website. It is also a good idea to add customer success stories and references. There are lots of patterns available on the platform to build the website that you and other people will love. Here is an excellent short guide on how to make an unforgettable personal portfolio webpage.

What should a portfolio website have?

Are there any important elements that should be in any portfolio?
Of course! These are, for example:
1. Contact information
This section is vital without any explanation.
2. Examples of your work
This category shows the very best of your products.
3. Companies or personal profile
This is a place where you put more information about who you are.
4. Ideology, objectives and mission statement
This is where you can add your ideas on how to save the world

Робота додана: 26.09.20
