• Потрібно перенести app зі Swift to Flutter (or React Native)

    Привіт, у мене є проект, який треба порахувати оцінку і податися на тендер. Данний проект для додатку в Данії.
    Важливо оцінка треба сьогодні! Ціну пропонуйте свою.

    Задача: зробити перенос додатку з Swift на Flutter/React Native
    Більше деталей:
    Project Materials:
    Screen Recording: A detailed recording of our application's current interface and functionality can be accessed here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NvzbeeykEgBS_fMtuMz8rl1xs-WJAvcI/view
    Beta App Slides: A visual representation of our beta app is available at the following links:

    Dream App Slides: To understand our long-term vision for the app, you can view our mock-up here: https://www.figma.com/file/rUwXzCsCDrZBsVUgnC1XZH/Reevela-App-Canvas?type=design&mode=design

    I feel it would be important to give you some context about the app that we have filmed and our current status.
    Status: The app currently functions but is susceptible to little bugs occurring and the design layout may not be precisely as we would like, but it works.
    Context: The app is coded in Swift UI directly. The results from the image recognition search are delivered in web embeds (webframes). All webframe content comes from Webflow except the page "upload something missing," which is a link to Tally.so.

    While our app is functional, we face a series of challenges:
    - Intermittent non-functionality of buttons.
    - Prolonged page loading times, i.e. so should pages be directly loaded in the app, or be pre-cached, or?
    - Absence of a profile section, hindering the collection of unique user data
    - Lack of in-app guides that can pop-up of be displayed beside complex processes, such as a guide to display when a user takes a photo, which can explains how best the user should focus & frame the product they want to reveal.
    - No possibility for the user to save what they like to a private collection (a la pinterest style)
    - Inability to refresh location without restarting the app.
    - App not defaulting to the start screen upon reopening.
    - Aesthetic and functional design issues, including inconsistent fonts, disproportionate
    features, and alignment problems.
    - Need for enhanced navigation, for example the use of a classic toolbar at the bottom of the app.
    - Lack of dynamic content, i.e. when a person is in a venue known in our database that specific locational based content can appear. I.e. It would be great if the background image on the main page could change to an image from the venue, and or, the venue's brand & logo appear, or some other dynamic content appears.

    Scope of Work:
    We are looking for the following tasks to be completed;
    1. Re-coding our current Swift coded app into a Flutter/React coded app
    2. Eliminating all the above challenges by ad

  • Потрібен Website 3 ст Laravel
    6000 грн. php laravel webdevelopment
    Виконавець визначений: Serhiy Lytvyn pro

    Мені потрібно зробити 3 прості кроки, як на прикладі в кінці завдання. 1 крок користувачу потрібно внести свою електронну адресу, 2 крок користувачу потрібно 5 разів поділитися посиланням у WhatsApp (ВАЖЛИВЕ ПРАВИЛО), а в кінці він буде переспрямований на зовнішню сторінку, а електронну пошту користувача потрібно надіслати на 2 зовнішні інструменти GetResponse та ActiveCampaing.

    Потрібно зробити це в laravel або іншому фреймворку php, це буде чудово, щоб ми могли запустити це на наших серверах і робити оновлення.
    Бажано зробити за декілька днів.

    Приклад, що нам потрібно, такі самі кроки повинні бути, як в прикладі:
