
Hello, my name is Alexander. In recent years, I have actively immersed myself in the world of 3D design, dedicating my efforts to creating captivating and impressive virtual objects. My skills encompass the use of various tools and techniques, such as smoothing, edge splitting, plane creation, and adding new points for editing.

Throughout my work in the field of 3D design, I have been involved in diverse projects, ranging from modeling technical objects to creative interiors and characters. My expertise includes the ability to determine optimal methods for each task, resulting in detailed and realistic 3D models.

I prefer smoothing techniques to achieve smoothness and elegance in my creations. Edge splitting, plane creation, and adding points assist me in creating expressive details and unique features in my works.

One important conclusion from my experience is the ability to choose the right moment to use each method, taking care of details and the final outcome. I am always open to learning new technologies and refining my skills, and I look forward to sharing my experience and ideas in the world of 3D design.

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